Force Load Font Aklief (unspecified)Aklief(unspecified)
Aklief cream is an innovative retinoid topical cream proven safe and effective for acne on your face, shoulders, chest, and back. It works by removing dead skin cells from the surface to help unclog pores, and may also reduce inflammatory acne often experienced with pimples.Active Ingredient
Trifarotene 50 microgram/g
Drug Warning
Should not be applied to cuts, abrasions, eczematous or sunburned skin.
Avoid exposure to sunlight, sunbeds or phototherapy while using Aklief. If exposure to sunlight cannot be avoided, use a sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher.
Excessive exposure to sunlight, including sunlamps or phototherapy should be avoided during the treatment. Use of a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 30 or higher
Avoid waxing for hair removal, on skin that you are treating with Aklief.
Suitability criteria
Apply a thin layer of Aklief cream to the affected areas of the face and/or trunk once daily.
Should be used in the evening, on clean and dry skin.
Warnings and Contraindications
Do not use Akief if you are pregnant or are planning pregnancy.
Other Ingredients
Allantoin, Simulgel 600 PHA, Cyclomethicone, Ethanol, Phenoxyethanol, Propylene glycol (E1520), Triglycerides medium-chain, Purified water
Active Ingredient
If you experience any suspected side effects, you can contact us directly or use the MHRA Yellow Card Safety scheme: 
  Download Patient Information LeafletSAR 120