Force Load Font yasmin tabletsYasminTablet
Yasmin is a combination contraceptive pill and is used to prevent pregnancy. It contains two different female hormones, (30mcg ethinylestradiol) and progesterone (3mg drospirenone).Active Ingredient
Drospirenone 3mg/Tablet
Ehinylestradiol 30μg
Drug Warning
Using a combined hormonal contraceptive such as Yasmin increases your risk of developing a blood clot compared with not using one.
Do not use this product if you are at risk of or have any history of blood clots.
This product does not provide any protection against sexually transmitted infections.
Suitability criteria
Oral Contraception
One tablet taken every day for 21 days then a 7 day break. Specific directions on when to start may vary according to your individual circumstances
If starting Yasmin on the 1st day of your period, it should give you immediate contraceptive protection.
During the 7 day 'pill free' interval, bleeding should begin and usually starts on the 2nd or 3rd day after your last pill.
You can also start on days 2 - 5 of the cycle, but then you should use extra contraception (e.g. condoms) for the first 7 days.
This bleeding may not finish by the time you need to start your next strip but you should still start the following strip.
If you used the COC pill correctly and consistently, you should start Norgeston after your last active pill (missing out the inactive pills or 'pill-free' days. If you have used the ring or patch correctly, you should start this pill on the day you have removed the ring/patch, and omit any hormone-free interval.
You can start taking Yasmin at any time,, but you should use extra protective measures (such as condoms) for the first 7 days.
You can start taking Yasmin at any time, (on the day of removal of the implant or IUS, or from when your next injection would be due) but you should use extra protective measures (such as condoms) for the first 7 days.
Warnings and ContraindicationsDo not take Yasmin if you have (or have ever had) :
A blood clot in a blood vessel of your leg (deep vein thrombosis, DVT), your lungs (pulmonary embolus, PE) or other organs.
If you know you have a disorder affecting your blood clotting.
If you need an operation or if you are off your feet for a long time.
if you have ever had a heart attack or stroke.
if you have (or have ever had) angina pectoris or transient ischaemic attack (TIA – temporary stroke symptoms).
if you have any of the following - severe diabetes with blood vessel damage, very high blood pressure , high level of fat in the blood (cholesterol or triglycerides) or a condition known as hyperhomocysteinaemia .
if you have (or have ever had) a type of migraine called ‘migraine with aura’.
If you have (or have ever had) liver disease and your liver function is still not normal.
if your kidneys are not working well (renal failure).
If you have (or have ever had) had a tumour in the liver.
If you have (or have ever had) or if you are suspected of having breast cancer or cancer of the genital organs .
If you have any unexplained bleeding from the vagina.
You have hepatitis C and are taking the medicinal products containing ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir and dasabuvir.
Common Side Effects
Changes in mood, nausea, headaches or migraines, breast pain, breast tenderness, menstrual disorders, bleeding between periods, thick whitish vaginal discharge, vaginal yeast infection.
There is small increased risk of some cancers when taking the combined oral contraceptive pill.
Please see Patient Information Leaflet or discuss with the prescriber for more information
Other Ingredients
Lactose monohydrate, maize starch, pregelatinised maize starch, povidone K25, magnesium stearate (E470b), hypromellose (E464), macrogol 6000, talc (E553b), titanium dioxide (E171) and iron oxide yellow (E172).
General InformationBefore taking Yasmin you should take into account certain risk factors and suitability:
Some contraceptives can cause your blood pressure to rise. So you will have to have your blood pressure checked by your GP at least yearly.
If you have a high BMI, some combined oral contraceptives may not be suitable. You should also get your weight checked every year if you are on Yasmin.
You will need to ensure you are not already pregnant, and this may have to be excluded with a pregnancy test.
If you are currently breast feeding, you may be advised not to use Yasmin and use alternative contraception.
While you’re on the pill – you should go for regular cervical smear tests and you should also check your breasts or nipples on a monthly basis for any changes such as lumps or dimpling of the skin.
Yasmin may also affect the results of any blood tests, so you should inform your GP that you are taking this medication.
If you’re new to taking contraceptives or new to using Yasmin, you may be better suited to taking no more than a 3-month supply, so you can see if it suits you and whether you experience any side effects.
A 6 months supply is more suitable if you’re already using Yasmin or have used it in the past.
You can also go to your GP for contraceptives.
If you need to change your contraceptive please contact us and our practitioners will be happy to advise you further.
Yasmin is 99% effective at preventing pregnancy when taken correctly. If not taken correctly, statistics show around 9% of women will get pregnant.
If you are a smoker and over 35 years of age, you may be advised not to use Yasmin, and use another form of contraceptive such as an intrauterine device (IUD), contraceptive implant or others alternatives.
What to do if you miss a pill
the protection against pregnancy won't be reduced. You should take the tablet as soon as you remember and take the following pills at your usual times. Even if it means taking 2 pills on the same day.
The contraceptive protection may be reduced. The greater the number of tablets missed, the greater the risk of pregnancy. You should take the forgotten pill as soon as possible, and take your next pills at their usual time. Even if it means taking 2 pills at the same time or day. You should also use extra protection for the next 7 days (e.g. using condoms). If you have had sex in the 7 days prior to forgetting the tablet, there is a risk of pregnancy, so you should contact your GP.
Take the pill as soon as you remember, even if it means taking 2 at the same time, and continue the next pills as your usual time. Your contraceptive protection will not be reduced, unless you forget to take more than 1 dose - in which case you should use condoms for 7 days.
You can either (1) Take the pill as soon as you remember, even if it means taking 2 at the same time. Continue the next pills at your usual time. And instead of having 7 pill-free days, just start on your next strip straightaway. Or (2) Stop tablets and go straight to the pill-free period (record the day when you forgot your pill.) If you want to start a new strip on the day you usually start, you will have to make the pill-free day less than 7 days. (If you do not have bleeding during the first pill-free period, you may be pregnancy and should seek advice from your GP.)
If you have sickness or diarrhoea If you vomit or have severe diarrhoea within 3-4 hours of taking a Yasmin tablet – you may not have got your full intended dose of hormones.
you should take another pill from a reserve strip as soon as you can. If possible, within 12 hours of when you normally take your pill
you should follow the same advice as you would above in the "What to do if you miss a pill" section.
Do not store above 25°C
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